I am jewelry designer. What is design? I understand, it is a process of creating something with inputting your heart and love but not to forget strongly considering and highly respecting to people who are going to use your designed works. Jewelry design is my passion, a way I found to demonstrate arts and beauty. I keep looking for beautiful things in my every day’s life, and try to illustrate them through my jewelries.
Pearl is the center of my design. I admire its purity and elegancy, and in all, its beauty is truly formed from natural creation. I don’t know why I love pearl so much, and it has been what I have been passionate and dreamed with all these years. It seems has been closely tight with me in my life. Since I was little girl, I used to go to river side of my hometown and spend half an day to search for beautiful shell which has kind of dirty and rough surface, but stunning pure white with colorful light reflection inside where is the space raised the pearl. Shell the mother of pearl touched me naturally at that time, and I made boxes of shell collections. I found chances to present whoever guests in my home.
Becoming a pearl jewelry designer, it was naturally happened on me. There was a period, in which I intensely asked myself: what is my life passion, what is my dream. I did not get answers. Long after, I started to play and design jewelries. It started suddenly, while the more I do it, the more I like. When I do jewelry design, it catches all my attentions, and I forget the rest of the world during that process and period (for this, I have to apology to my lovely husband). Gradually, jewelry design became one part of my life. Whenever I visit a new place or art exhibition, I inspired by beautiful things and try to demonstrate in my designs. I love natures, and believe or not, you may not imagine how much inspirations human can actually get out from it.